Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a very common disorder, and the incidence and prevalence increase with a mans age and any outcome of treatment will very much depend on the underlying cause.
Complications of ED may include performance anxiety, reduced confidence, depression, relationship difficulties, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and all-cause mortality.
All Medicines listed here (PDE-5 inhibitors) are not initiators of erection but require sexual stimulation to facilitate erection. For comprehensive information visit CKS|NICE
In the UK it's often difficult for men to obtain a prescription for ED treatments due to stringent NHS Health Assessment Technology appraisals criteria . For this reason, an estimated nine out of ten potential sufferers are unable to obtain a prescription on the NHS. Even those who can get treatment on the NHS are limited to just two tablets a month .
Our pharmacists may now supply some of these treatments to you depending on the answers you give in a simple online questionnaire/consultation.

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