Travellers Diarrhoea
Travelling to a foreign country may be a key trigger for diarrhoea.
Travellers’ diarrhoea is most commonly caused by infection through contaminated food and drinks due to reduced sanitation and hygiene measures in a foreign country. It is associated with at least one additional symptom, such as stomach pain or cramps, nausea or vomiting.
NICE recommends that diarrhoea that occurs after foreign travel should be investigated.
Some preventative measures you can take
- Avoid uncooked meat, poultry or seafood, shellfish, and food that contains raw or uncooked eggs, e.g. mayonnaise
- Avoid drinking tap water, ice made with tap water or using it for cooking and brushing teeth. Instead choose bottled water or drinks in factory-sealed containers
- Carry antibacterial hand gel in case soap and water are not available
- Wash hands with soap and water and dry them thoroughly before handling food and after using the toilet
- Avoid salads and uncooked vegetables if hygiene and sanitation are likely to be inadequate Try to avoid swallowing water when swimming.
If you are travelling to a high risk area of the world you can purchase medicines which may help if you contract severe diarrohea but will need to fill out our online questionnaire first.

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